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The following tools use code and ontology of the GfSE Initiative SpecIF to which enso managers GmbH has contributed substantially. The tools are open-source and free to use, however a donation is very welcome to support further development of methods and standards in the area of Systems Engineering and Enterprise Architecture.

Sheet → ReqIF

Transform a workbook with one or more spreadsheets (Excel® *.xlsx, LibreOffice *.ods as well as *.csv) to the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF). The property names are expected in the first line (column head) and an entity (SPEC-OBJECT in ReqIF terms) with its property values per following line.

The property names are semantically interpreted and mapped using the SpecIF Ontology. For example, a property name Title is first normalized to dcterms:title and then mapped to ReqIF.Name as suggested by the Prostep iViP ReqIF Implementation Guideline. 'Ontology-based' means that the interpretation and translation of terms is entirely defined by the underlying ontology. Please share your ideas and comments.

Use the tool Sheet → ReqIF. For instructions, please refer to the Introduction to Sheet → ReqIF.

BPMN → Word® and ePub

.. coming soon.

Donation to Open Source Software

Is any of these tools of value to you, would you like to make a donation?

You support further development of transformations and model integration to improve collaboration over the product lifecycle, see Project CASCaDE.